Friday, October 7, 2011

A Breakfast Idea: Hummus and Veggie Sandwich

I have been experimenting with meals for the past few weeks. What I realized is that breakfast is the most important meal. A nutritious breakfast, I have noticed, is more veggie and fruity. My challenge was to eat a balanced breakfast consisting of fruit, vegetables and body-friendly carbohydrates that was not time consuming to make and yet delicious to eat. I started my day by eating fruit, usually either a banana, or a pear or an apple while preparing for my actual breakfast. Because my goal was to get as many nutrients as possible into my body, I made sandwiches. Here is one that I absolutely love to eat for breakfast:

2 slices of either whole wheat or whole grain bread
1/4 yellow bell pepper
1/4 red bell pepper
1/4 orange bell pepper
1/2 avocado

Spread hummus on the bread. Slice the peppers and the avocado to preference and layer your sandwich.

I am sure there are variations on this recipe all over the web because this is as simple as it gets and it does not take more than 10 minutes to make! Note that the bread can be replaced with a whole wheat or whole grain bagel. Use your imagination with the veggies.

I will post more meal ideas as I go along... The important idea to take from this post is that breakfast should be a burst of energy.



  1. How interesting... I honestly cannot stomach the idea of vegetables for breakfast - except maybe in an omelet (and even then I need a lot of cheese and egg to hide the vegetables). I love vegetables and I love hummus - it's just hard to imagine eating for breakfast.

    What flavor of hummus do you use?

  2. Hello JavelinWarrior,

    Thanks for following. The flavor of hummus I use is Greek olive hummus.
